Space and Science fest, TARANG 2019

Greetings from PRAKALPA club of L.D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad. Once again we are planning to host a Space and Science Fest –TARANG during the 30th and 31st of  August 2019           

Various unique workshops will be conducted by leading scientists from various institutions like ISRO, IPR, PRL and much more are to be held under this fest.

Not only this ,but it is for the First time that ISRO is putting up its exhibition in Gujarat, that too in LDCE, which is free of cost 
Many events like Mars civilization is being organized under the supervision of the scientists who were themselves a very important part of the Mission MANGAL. 

telescopic observations through the ISRO telescope and Workshops like CHANDRAYAAN is going to be conducted by the Scientists who had worked in the CHANDRAYAAN project. 

We have also invited numerous schools and institutions as well as scientists from all research organizations and this is open for all, anyone can have a visit to witness this amazing Space and Science fest, TARANG 2019.

The fest ends with a ravishing COSMO NIGHT, i.e.The Cultural Night, anyone can be a part of TARANG 2019 regarless of the college they study in.

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