Reference book for Beginning to advance

For an undergraduate, you will be having...
The books that I am going to mention here will be arranged according to their levels in serial wise

This Books are he

Classical Mechanics

1- Newtonian Physics by AP french
2- Kleppener and Kolenkow
3- David Morrin
4- Keith R Symons
5- John R Taylor
6- Goldstein


1- Griffiths
2- Jackson


1- Ajoy Ghatak
2- Meschede

Quantum Mechanics

1- Zettili
2- Griffith
3- David Miller
4- Griffiths
5- Bransden
6- Eisberg
7- Merzbacher
8- Liboff
9- Gasiowiczs
10- R shankar
11- JJ sakurai

Nuclear Physics

1- Krane
2- Lilly
3- Kaplan
4- SB patel
5- SN Ghosal


1- Malvino and Bates
2- BL thereja

Special Relativity

1- Resnick


1- PK Nag
2- Zeemansky

Waves and Oscillations

1- HJ pain
2- RN chaudhari
3- NK bajaj

Atomic Physics

1- BH Bransden

Modern Physics

1- Arthur Beiser

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