Learning Physics Through Simple Experiments { Stay Home And Revise Physics ( SHARP ) }

Course Description

This course will cover some basic principles of Physics and will describe them through a few simple experiments. Sometimes the phenomena will be shown first, then in order to understand and analyze it, the theory will be explained. In some cases, it will be the reverse.


  • This will be a 24 hours course spread over a period of 2 months.
  • Each lecture will have 2-4 physics experiments followed by detailed explanations
  • Most of the experiments can be assembled and performed by even a child of age group 13 years onwards
  • The explanation part may be at the level of Plus 2 and in some cases above that
  • The course SHARP can be taken by school students of Std 9 onwards, college students, Physics teachers and others interested in enjoying Physics.


  • To do this online course one just need a Desktop/Laptop/Tablet/Mobile phone with an internet connection
  • 3 lectures will be uploaded per week on the course website
  • Students can ask questions to Dr. H. C. Verma by texting on the mobile phone.
  • Replies can also be given by the fellow participants
  • Based on your attendance (viewing of full lectures from the course platform) certificates will be given by CCE IIT Kanpur.
Registration Link:- https://phy.hcverma.in/

Course Content

  • Shadows and rectilinear motion
  • Diffraction and Interference
  • Polarization
  • Scattering
  • Reflection
  • Fermat’s Principle
  • Refraction
  • Dispersion
  • Prisms and Lenses
  • Classification of forces
  • Non-inertial frames and pseudo forces
  • Rotating frames, Centrifugal, and Coriolis force
  • Friction and Card-Coin experiment
  • Rolling
  • Angular momentum, Moment of inertia, Rigid body rotation
  • Conical Pendulum
  • The circular motion of charge in a magnetic field
  • Force on a current in a magnetic field
  • B-field of a bar magnet and forces on a magnetic material in this field
  • Misconceptions on poles
  • Role of inhomogeneity in force on a magnet
  • Diamagnetic and paramagnetic materials
  • Curie Temperature
  • Faraday’s law of induction
  • Non-conservative Electric Field
  • Lenz’s law and eddy currents
Oscillations and waves
  • Stable equilibrium and oscillations
  • Damped / Forced oscillations
  • The similarity between mechanical and L-C-R oscillations
  • Resonance
  • The complexity of Simple pendulum
  • Waves on a slinky, a string
  • Wave speed, dependence on tension and linear density
  • Standing waves on strings and on springs

Course Audience

The discussion will be roughly at +2 and UG first-year level but the experiments could be an educative experience for students from grade 9 onwards. Most of these experiments will throw some challenges to understand it, so even the well-trained persons up to the Postgraduate level will find it interesting!
Core target groups are  
(a)  Physics teachers teaching in schools from grade 9 to 12
(b)  Physics teachers teaching in colleges at B Sc, B.Tech level
(c)  Students from grade 9 to BSc/B.Tech
(d)  Others interested in enjoying Physics displayed by Nature in day-to-day life

About Certificates

Participants will be given certificates from the Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), IIT Kanpur, depending on the attendance.

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